Montana Down Syndrome Medical Care Centers

There is currently 1 Down syndrome medical care center in Montana:

Shodair Children’s Hospital, Helena, MT

Affiliation: Shodair Children’s Hospital
Summary: We see both pediatric and adult patients with Down syndrome and help them get connected with resources in their local communities. We serve the entire state of Montana via frequent outreach clinics and telemedicine. Our compassionate team of three medical geneticists and five genetic counselors work hard to provide the best care for individuals with Down syndrome.
Ages Served: All Ages
Hours and Days of Operation: M-F; 8-5
Address: 2755 Colonial Dr. Helena, MT 59601
Appointments: 406-444-7530
Phone Number: 406-444-7530
Clinical Director: Abe Elias, MD
Services provided:
Behavioral MD
Registered Dietician
Physical Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Family Practitioner
Apraxia Specialist
Speech and Language Pathologist
Social Worker
Education/Inclusion Specialist
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Genetic Counselor
Feeding Specialist
Developmental Pediatrician
Other Services: Medical geneticist
Year Established: 1896
Length of Waitlist: yes ~3 months
Medicaid Accepted? Yes
Insurance Accepted? Yes

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