Archive for January, 2020

What Parents Need to Know About IEPs

January 29th, 2020 by Global Down Syndrome Foundation

From Down Syndrome WorldTM 2019 Issue 3 of 4

Individualized education programs are detailed learning plans for students K-12 with intellectual and developmental disabilities enrolled in public school. The process of obtaining, developing, and implementing an IEP for your child can seem overwhelming. Knowing what to expect and planning can help streamline the process.

This article was published in the award-winning Down Syndrome World™ magazine. Become a member to read all the articles and get future issues delivered to your door!

UNDER THE INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES EDUCATION ACT (IDEA), students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) enrolled in public school may be eligible to receive free, customized learning plans for their education. Individualized education programs (IEPs) are legally binding plans developed by a team of parents/guardians, teachers, and any other stakeholders that set the course for students with special needs. To obtain an IEP, a child must be enrolled in public school, must be between 3 and 21 years old, have one of 13 intellectual or developmental disabilities, and take eligibility tests administered by the public-school system.


“An IEP outlines when and where a student will receive instruction, how the student is going to access the curriculum and what curriculum he or she will be accessing … what services will be provided, such as speech-language, occupational, or physical therapy, and who will be providing those services,” says Jennifer Harris, M.S.E., Education Specialist at the Anna and John J. Sie Center for Down Syndrome at Children’s Hospital Colorado, an affiliate of the Global Down Syndrome Foundation.

The Sie Center was the first to embed a full -time education specialist into a Down syndrome medical center in the United States. Harris joined the Sie Center in 2017 and works closely with patients, parents, and teachers to support the education of individuals with Down syndrome. She also works alongside Lina Patel, Ph.D., Director of Psychology at the Sie Center, to help patients navigate the barriers to their education by looking at their unique behavioral profile.

IDEA states that children who are differently-abled should receive a “free, appropriate, public education” in the “least restrictive environment” possible. Children who attend public schools, including charter schools, are eligible for IEPs, but private schools are not required to provide them.

Before a child reaches age 3, families may be eligible through Early Intervention, to receive an individual family service plan (IFSP). This document outlines services young children will receive to support their development prior to entering a public education system — either in pre-school or at home. The team that creates an IFSP includes parents/guardians, professionals such preschool teachers, therapists, any outside advocate or specialist requested by the family, and a service coordinator from the state to help determine needs and implement the plan. When children turn 3, they may transition to an IEP from their IFSP, however you do not need to have an IFSP to apply for an IEP.


To start the process of obtaining an IEP, parents/guardians can ask the school district to initiate the evaluation process. The district may also ask the parents for consent to initiate if they have concerns as well. This will begin the assessment process. These assessments involve various tests to determine the child’s specific needs and the most appropriate accommodations for their learning.

Qualification is also based, in part, on whether the condition affects a specific aspect of a child’s learning abilities, such as oral expression, comprehension, or reading, writing, or math skills. Through a variety of tests, they will measure a child’s health, vision, hearing, social and emotional development, motor skills, general intelligence, academic skills, and communication
ability. When the evaluation is finished, the statistical results are presented in a report to all parties involved.

“Results of some of these tests can, potentially, be jarring to parents. No parent wants to read or hear that his or her child scored in a low percentile or significantly below average in certain areas. It is important to understand that this is only a small, fraction of the process,” Harris says. “Testing is fundamental to the process in order to understand the need for services.”

“No one test can be used and no one person can identify a child as having a disability and needing special education, so a variety of assessment tools and strategies must be used to collect relevant functional, developmental, and academic information,” explains Melody Musgrove, Ed.D., Co-Director of the Graduate Center for Early Learning and Associate Professor of Special Education at the University of Mississippi.

There are cases where parents/guardians oppose an IQ test or some standardized testing they feel is not reflective of their child’s ability. While this can hold up the IEP process, it is within a parents’/guardians’ right to not agree with certain testing, and it’s within their right to reject in part or in full the IEP the school presents. There are cases where parents/guardians sue the school to get the services they need, but hopefully legal recourse can be avoided if the family, school, and teachers are all on the same page. There are several avenues that parents and school teams can take to help come to a collaborative middle ground. Many states offer IEP facilitators and options to obtain an educational advocate. These professionals are not attorneys, but they are trained in disability law and can provide an unbiased, fact-based opinion that keeps your child’s educational rights intact.

Although these tests are mandatory, sometimes the methods are flexible and can include verbal and nonverbal formats. Harris encourages families and school teams to look at a variety of cognitive tests to select the most appropriate assessments for the individual child, providing an adequate representation of that child’s skills, capabilities, and needs.

“Your child is still your amazing child, and assessments aren’t going to capture all of the things he or she can do or all the beautiful things that make your kid who he or she is,” she points out. “Look for relative strengths. For example, even if your child is scoring ‘extremely low’ in several categories but maybe just ‘low’ in another area, look at that as a relative strength. Figure out how to draw upon that to support your child’s learning.”

A multidisciplinary team (which simply means professionals from different disciplines, such as special education teachers, psychologists, regular education teachers, and speech language therapists, within the district as well as parents) will determine whether your child meets IDEA’s criteria for special education. If the team deems special education appropriate, your child will be reevaluated every three years.
Reevaluation can take place earlier, if a change in medical condition occurs, your child isn’t making progress in school, or the team suspects that your child no longer requires services.


The First Meeting

Within 30 days of determination of eligibility, the multidisciplinary team is required to develop the IEP in collaboration with the parents and to hold a meeting to review the document.

During the meeting, you’ll review the IEP section by section, including your child’s present level of academic performance, goals for the academic year, how you’ll be informed of progress, special education services the school will provide, accommodations your child will receive, and how and to what degree your child will participate in general education activities.

The school district is responsible for scheduling the meeting, inviting the parents/guardians, and ensuring the proposed time is convenient for them. However, each state has its own timetable for providing notice of a meeting. Parents are not required to attend the meeting but must provide written permission for services to begin. IDEA specifies that your child’s IEP team must consist of a special education teacher, general education teacher, school district representative or administrator who is knowledgeable about general and special education, and an individual who can explain the results of the comprehensive evaluation, such as a school psychologist. Other professionals, such as a speech-language pathologist, may be present.

Be Prepared

At least one week before the meeting, Harris recommends parents request, in writing, a copy of the assessment, the evaluation report, and any other documentation the IEP team will discuss.

Make sure you have time to review the IEP document and write down any questions you have. Questions may include what a word or acronym means or why an accommodation that you believe is important is or isn’t listed. While you prepare, Dr. Musgrove recommends turning to your most valuable resource for information: your child. Ask for his or her thoughts about how things are going at school. Write down any questions you have and your vision for your child’s education. Gather supporting documents, such as medical notes or previous schoolwork that you wish to review with the team. Create a fillable sheet to write down agreed-upon goals and supportive services during the meeting. If you wish, invite a friend, family member, or another individual who knows y our child to attend for support.


Beware of jargon — if you don’t understand a term, ask the team to explain it in clear, concise language. Ensure the language in the IEP is unambiguous about the services to be provided, when they will begin and end, and your child’s goals.

“If parents don’t agree with the IEP, they need to say, ‘I no longer want this meeting to continue, I need to contact an educational advocate,’ and obtain an educational advocate to walk through next steps,” Harris advises.

Once parents and the school district agree to the IEP and services begin, communication is crucial. If you notice your child struggling in a certain area, notify his or her teacher right away instead of waiting until the next annual IEP review meeting.

IDEA requires an IEP review meeting at least once a year, but parents can request one at any time.

“Parents may find it helpful to have an IEP review meeting at the beginning and end of each academic year, as well as a midyear meeting to get a sense of their child’ s progress,” says Julie
Youssef, D.O., M.P.H., Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician and Clinical Assistant Professor of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at Stanford University School of Medicine.

“Starting at age 16, the child must be invited,” Dr. Musgrove says.
“I encourage parents to have their children attend IEP meetings much earlier — not necessarily the entire meeting — so they can learn to self-advocate.”

Most importantly, whether you’re new to the IEP process or have experience with it, trust your knowledge and judgment as a parent.

“A lot of parents may feel like they’re ill prepared [to navigate the IEP process], but they’re actually more prepared in ways that they may not immediately recognize,” Harris says. “No one knows their child better than parents … so they need to understand they’re pivotal players and hold information no one else will have. That’s the biggest mistake that parents make — not believing in themselves.”

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Finding Her Voice

January 24th, 2020 by Global Down Syndrome Foundation

From Down Syndrome WorldTM 2019 Issue 4 of 4

Multi-Talented Performer Meg Ohsada Has Learned That, When It Comes To Communication, Words Aren’t Always Necessary.

This article was published in the award-winning Down Syndrome World™ magazine. Become a member to read all the articles and get future issues delivered to your door!

MEG OHSADA, a Canada native who happens to have Down syndrome, has become an international superstar known for her competitive figure skating and dancing with four Special Olympic medals and counting. She is also known for her extraordinary, widely-collected artwork. At just 25-years-old, Meg also has her artwork displayed and purchased at prestigious galleries around the world. And believe it or not, that’s not all she does! She recently took up rhythmic gymnastics and modeling, too.

Born to Japanese parents who immigrated to Canada, Meg is one of three girls. Although Meg is nonverbal, she communicates her powerful and inspirational messages through her passion for sports, fashion, advocacy, and art.

Her accomplishments serve as an inspiration to the Down syndrome community and she recently began modeling to continue her advocacy work for people who are differently-abled.

“Meg is the family’s backbone,” says her mother, Noriko Ohsada. “Her gentle presence has given us love, strength, inspiration, and hope for the future.


Noriko, who immigrated to Toronto, Canada, from Japan with her husband, Kaoru Ohsada, did not know what Down syndrome was until Meg was born in 1993. In fact, Noriko recalls, she had to learn the word “chromosome” in English when a doctor told her that additional testing was necessary.

Noriko remembers being very scared when she researched the condition. She read that Meg would not live long and would need to be institutionalized. Thankfully, the medically inaccurate information did not deter her and Kaoru’s belief in Meg’s abilities.

From the time Meg was born, her parents noticed she was a happy baby and an energetic, passionate child. Shortly after Meg was born, Noriko and Kaoru had two more daughters: Sari, now 23, and Juli, now 22.

Meg always had difficulties with verbal communication and continued to struggle to talk after undergoing speech therapy.

In 1997, searching for a fresh start and better access to medical care, the family moved from Toronto to Canmore, a small town in Alberta, Canada at the edge of the Canadian Rockies. That’s where Meg’s remarkable artistic abilities began to take shape.

“As my children are close in their age, I always introduced the same activities to all of them,” Noriko says. “Figure skating was the perfect activity for the girls to be athletic and beautiful at the same time. I truly enjoyed watching them.”

“We noticed Meg could remember movements with music very quickly,” Noriko says. “That’s when we realized that performing arts was a way of self-expression.”


Meg took to figure skating like a natural, impressing her family and her instructors by skating through intricate choreography, remembering every step. At age 8, she joined a local figure skating club and eventually began attending a weekly Special Olympics figure skating program in Calgary, about an hour from Canmore. Meg gets on the ice four to six days a week, for an hour or so a day. Plus, she does yoga, gymnastics, and other physical activities to stay in shape.

She has excelled as a figure skating competitor, earning two gold medals at the 2019 Special Olympics Alberta Winter Games and two silver medals at the 2013 Special Olympics World Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea. In 2015, she competed in the Canada Games, which features athletes of all abilities. She continues to inspire other skaters with and without Down syndrome at her home rink in Canmore.

Meg began her dance career at age 14 and attends four dance classes per week. She is also a rhythmic gymnast, a sport she took up at age 18.

She competed in dance in both the 2015 and 2017 Special Olympics World Games, placing fourth at the 2017 Winter Games in Austria. In 2017, she also performed a ballet solo with Ignite Dance at Banff Centre in Banff, Canada, near her hometown of Canmore.


Movement isn’t Meg’s only form of expression. At age 21, Meg began a career as an artist, taking classes at the Indefinite Arts Centre in Calgary.

Her artwork has appeared in galleries in Hong Kong, Seoul, and South Korea, and she was the featured artist at a local gallery, artsPlace, in Canmore.

Meg’s favorite piece is an abstract self-portrait of herself dancing.

“She expresses herself through art, and she loves public exhibition opportunities where she can get that recognition from other people,” Noriko says.

Last year, Meg took up modeling as a way to showcase the beauty and talent of people who are differently-abled. “I believe Sari and Juli learned many wonderful lessons from Meg, including her enthusiasm, optimism, and compassion toward others,” Noriko states.

Meg encourages everyone to work hard and find their own voice. Through her multi-faceted art forms, she shares an important message: “Do what you love, and great things can happen.”

Like this article? Join Global Down Syndrome Foundation’s Membership program today to receive 4 issues of the quarterly award-winning publication, plus access to 4 seasonal educational Webinar Series, and eligibility to apply for Global’s Employment and Educational Grants.
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Changing the World One Stage at a Time

January 24th, 2020 by Global Down Syndrome Foundation

From Down Syndrome WorldTM 2019 Issue 4 of 4

When 16-Year-Old Courtney Gaines Has Her Eyes on the Prize, There’s No Stopping Her. Her Latest Endeavor? Rocking the Runway at Global’s Fashion Show with Model & Actress Mikaela Hoover

This article was published in the award-winning Down Syndrome World™ magazine. Become a member to read all the articles and get future issues delivered to your door!

An actress, singer, dancer, and model, 16-year-old Courtney Gaines is no stranger to the spotlight. She is an active member of her community, an Ambassador for a women’s non-profit, and most recently, an entrepreneur. She is determined to show the world that she can do whatever she sets her mind to. What better next stop than to model at the largest fundraiser for Down syndrome in the world?

“The more people see her, the more people love her,” says Courtney’s mother, DeAnna Gaines. Courtney is engaged with many local groups Oklahoma including the Greater Love Missionary Baptist Church, Shining Starz Special Needs Cheer Squad, Down Syndrome Association of Central Oklahoma, and the Air Force JROTC. “Seeing how Courtney’s energy radiates onto everyone around her, we looked for other opportunities for her to shine.”

When DeAnna and Courtney found the Global Down Syndrome Foundation (Global) online they were impressed by the organization’s government work and intrigued by Global’s fashion show. Courtney’s passion for performance and advocacy for inclusion seemed to make her the perfect fit.

“I love to help others and listen to them,” Courtney says. “I want to do good things for others in everything I do.” She is an Ambassador for GirlTrek, the largest national public health non-profit supporting African-American women and girls in the U.S., with a special strategy to connect with women with special needs. Truly a jack of all trades, Courtney also recently started plans for her own business, an online clothing store called CloZet 21c which would raise funds for non-profits.

Courtney’s vibrant personality, loving nature, and happy smile were evident in her audition and she became the first person in Oklahoma to be selected to model in Global’s marquee annual fundraiser, the Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show. Courtney rocked the runway with Mikaela Hoover, a model, actress, and Instagram influencer who is beautiful inside and out.

Mikaela learned about Global when working on a film in Colombia with her colleague, John C. McGinley, who is a Global board member and international spokesperson. Growing up, Mikaela was very close with her cousin Bobby, who had Down syndrome, and was eager to get more involved in philanthropic work. McGinley told her about Global’s work and Mikaela reached out right away to get involved.


Courtney was thrilled to work with a fellow model and actress. “It was so much fun modeling with her! We took selfies and photos backstage too,” Courtney recalls. “She is a great model, she’s so pretty, cool, and very nice.”

As natural performers, Mikaela and Courtney have a lot in common. Mikaela began dancing at the age of 2, and by the time she started school, she was starring in her school’s plays. Mikaela started her acting career in 2006 and is best known for her roles in superhero films including the 2014 box office hit Guardians of the Galaxy and the 2010 superhero dark comedy Super starring Rainn Wilson, Ellen Page, Liv Tyler, Kevin Bacon, and Nathan Fillion. Courtney loves to bring her talents of singing, dancing, and acting to the stage. She was recently in the stage production of Mary Poppins Jr. with Kaleidoscope.

“Courtney was so excited to be on that runway. She knew exactly what she wanted to do and the poses she wanted to strike, and no one was going to stop her,” says Mikaela, who was Courtney’s celebrity escort. “Courtney has so much ambition and carries herself with such grace and independence.”

Both first-timers at Global’s Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show, Courtney and Mikaela were soaking in every moment. “All of the models had such beautiful energy around them, each one was beaming and shining so bright. It was such an honor to be back there with them,” Mikaela says.

Courtney’s favorite part of the night was blowing her mom a kiss when she was at the top of the stage. “Nothing beats seeing my Courtney up there on stage, dressed to the nines, in the company of Mikaela
and of course our heroes like Jamie Foxx and Quincy Jones,” says DeAnna.

Global’s Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show raises critical awareness and funds for Down syndrome. This year’s event raised an incredible $2.5 million for Down syndrome research and medical care.

“Global is changing that the narrative surrounding Down syndrome through advocacy and education,” says Mikaela. “Their beauty simply shines from within, and that is definitely something that we need to see more of, not just in the media, but in our world today.”

“All of the models had such beautiful energy around them,” said Mikaela Hoover. “That is definitely something we need to see more of.”

Like this article? Join Global Down Syndrome Foundation’s Membership program today to receive 4 issues of the quarterly award-winning publication, plus access to 4 seasonal educational Webinar Series, and eligibility to apply for Global’s Employment and Educational Grants.
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January 2020 Newsletter

January 17th, 2020 by Global Down Syndrome Foundation

DS Research Budget Triples!

Global Webinar – Medical Care Guidelines

January 9th, 2020 by Global Down Syndrome Foundation

Global Medical Care Guidelines for Adults with Down Syndrome: A Legacy Supporter Update!

What You Need to Know

Overview & Speakers:

We look forward to sharing our progress and to providing a sneak peek with you at our exclusive webinar for our generous Global Members and guideline supporters. This webinar is in addition to our quarterly Global Membership webinar series and is an exclusive, free benefit to YOU our Legacy Supporters. In this webinar Global President and CEO, Michelle Sie Whitten, and Director of Adult Initiatives & Special Projects, Bryn Gelaro, to present on the following topics:

Results from our focus groups

Success stories (already)

PICOTS & Grade System framework

Managing Expectations – what the guidelines do and do not include

Overachieving! Possible Toolkits…

Distribution, Education & Outreach

How you can help

Michelle Sie Whitten, MA

Michelle Sie Whitten, MA

Michelle Sie Whitten, MA is the Co-Founder, President and CEO of the Global Down Syndrome Foundation (Global). Global is dedicated to significantly improving the lives of people with Down syndrome through Research, Medical Care, Education, and Advocacy. Prior to her career in the non-profit sector, Michelle was a cable TV pioneer in East Asia working for Liberty Media Corporation and Starz Encore. Her academic career was focused on international security and diplomacy and she holds a Masters degree and business certificate from Harvard University. She graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelors degree from Tufts University and studied Mandarin Chinese and Women Studies at Peking University. Michelle is married to Tom, a British curator of Chinese contemporary art and they have two adorable kids, one of whom has Down syndrome.

Bryn Gelaro, LSW

Bryn Gelaro, LSW is a Licensed Social Worker with background in behavioral health with adults with Down syndrome. Bryn was a consultant for the Global Down Syndrome Foundation from 2015 to 2017 prior to her current position as the Director of Adult Initiatives and Special Projects. Her work includes supporting Global’s efforts to open a World Class Medical Clinic for adults with Down syndrome and overseeing international projects, including in Uganda and Albania. Bryn is the co-Author and project manager for the Global Medical Care Guidelines for Adults with Down Syndrome overseeing the communication between work group members, maintaining guideline deliverables and timeline, and managing the edits of the guideline manuscript. Bryn earned her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the Pennsylvania State University and a Masters degree in social work from the University of Chicago. She completed her Master’s graduate field training at the Adult Down Syndrome Clinic in Chicago where she was fortunate to have mentorship from Dr. Dennis McGuire and Dr. Brian Chicoine.

Powerpoint Presentation: Click to Download

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The Global Down Syndrome Foundation’s employees and/or volunteers are NOT acting as your medical professional or attorney. Responses you receive via electronic mail, phone, or in any other manner DO NOT create or constitute a doctor-patient or attorney-client relationship between you  and the Global Down Syndrome Foundation (Global), or any employee of, or other person associated with, Global.

Information received from Global’s employees or volunteers, or from this website, should NOT be considered a substitute for the advice of a medical professional or lawyer. DOES NOT provide any medical or legal advice. You should consult with your own doctor or lawyer for medical or legal advice. This website is a general service that provides information over the internet. The information contained on this website is general information and should not be construed as medical advice to be applied to any specific factual situations.

Funding Increases for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Down Syndrome Research Lauded by Global Down Syndrome Foundation

Photo by Marleen Van den Neste

Press Contacts:
Rejena | C: (240) 603-5494
Anca | C: (720) 320-3832

December 22, 2019, Denver, CO– On Friday, President Trump signed a $1.4 trillion spending package that will fund the government until September 2020 and averted a government shutdown. Earlier in the week, the package passed the House and Senate with victories and compromises on both sides of the aisle.

“Finally, we have secured the funds and resources for our military — our national security,” said Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL), Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee who also heads the appropriations subcommittee on defense. “This package includes a significant increase in defense funding and the largest pay raise in a decade for our men and women in uniform.”

Chairwoman of the House Appropriations Committee Nita Lowey was also pleased with the results, “I am particularly proud that House Democrats prevailed in securing historic investments For the People, including record funding levels for Head Start and lifesaving medical research at NIH, and in funding priorities vital to our shared security, like gun violence prevention research and election security grants to states.”

Included in the spending package was legislation providing a 7% increase or $2.6 billion more funding to the NIH for an annualized budget of $41.7 billion. Legislation also highlights a “minimum” of $60 million for Down syndrome research in FY2020 through NIH’s Investigation of Co-occurring Conditions Across the Lifespan to Understand Down Syndrome (INCLUDE) trans-NIH project. This would bring total Down syndrome research funding up to $98 million for the year.

Michelle Sie Whitten, President & CEO of the Global Down Syndrome Foundation, issued the following statement:

“Global thanks the Administration, our champions in Congress, and leadership at NIH who made Down syndrome research and medical care a priority resulting in the NIH INCLUDE project. It is important to note that this result reflects a decade of hard work and two decades of inequity in funding for our Down syndrome community.

The key turning point was the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies House Appropriations Subcommittee hearing on Down syndrome research in October 2017. At the hearing, testimony from Global Ambassador, Frank Stephens, received a standing ovation, 100% bipartisan support, and over 150 million views on C-Span and other outlets.

This first ever hearing of its kind and testimonies were made possible by Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro, and Ranking Member Tom Cole with further support from Senators Roy Blunt, Patty Murray, and so many others from both sides of the aisle.

The FY2020 budget for NIH and Down syndrome research signals a clear message that the longevity and improved health outcomes of people with Down syndrome is important, and that their unique disease experience can also benefit others without Down syndrome. Global is proud and incredibly grateful to have worked with the Administration, NIH, and Congress to secure the funding for this research.”

The INCLUDE project focuses on diseases and conditions like Alzheimer’s, blood cancers, and autoimmune disorders that have a higher prevalence among individuals with an extra copy of chromosome 21 as well as conditions like solid tumor cancers that are rare among individuals with Down syndrome. The INCLUDE Steering Committee is chaired by Dr. Lawrence Tabak, NIH Principal Deputy Director in partnership with Dr. Diana Bianchi, Director of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), and Dr. Gary Gibbons, Director, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) as co-chairs.

To learn more about the NIH INCLUDE project, visit

To learn more about the Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, visit

To learn more about the Global Down Syndrome Foundation, visit

About Global Down Syndrome Foundation

The Global Down Syndrome Foundation is at the forefront of Research, Medical Care, Education, and Advocacy dedicated to significantly improving the lives of people with Down syndrome. Global supports the research of hundreds of scientists around the world through their advocates, partners and affiliates, including the Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, the Rocky Mountain Alzheimer’s Disease Center, the Anna and John J. Sie Center for Down Syndrome, and a new pilot Adult Clinic. Global invites its supporters to celebrate over a decade of milestones in helping people with Down syndrome at their Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show. To learn more, please visit and