People with Down Syndrome Rock!


Upload an action shot of you doing an activity or something special!

Selected photos will be featured in Le monde du syndrome de Down™ Magazine

People with Down Syndrome Rock!
Pour seulement $20 par an, vous pouvez devenir un membre honoré de GLOBAL qui soutient notre travail important et reçoit notre bulletin d'information primé. Le monde du syndrome de DownTM ainsi que des webinaires sur la recherche de pointe dans le domaine du syndrome de Down et sur les soins médicaux. Devenez membre de GLOBAL dès aujourd'hui ou en savoir plus.

Photo Upload

For your photo to be considered you must follow these rules:

• Photo must be full color, high res jpgs (300DPI) for best print quality

• Size must be larger than 500K and less than 5MB

(Photo files sent directly from your camera phone or point and shoot camera are likely to work - Photos that have been uploaded to social media will not i.e. taken from Facebook page)

• Photo must feature yourself or a self-advocate in your life

• Photo must show how you make your impact! For example: playing sports, loving your job, playing an instrument, graduating, etc.

Taille de fichier maximale : 150MB

Enter date using MM/DD/YYYY (ex. 01/01/2000)
We love to hear and share stories about the amazing things that people with Down syndrome are doing!
Lien avec le syndrome de Down (cochez toutes les cases correspondantes)