Gala e pranimit të GLOBAL
A fundraiser for the
funding life-changing research and life-saving medical care for children and
adults with Down syndrome
Wednesday, May 21, 2025
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
6:00PM ET Cocktail Reception | 7:00PM ET Performance & Program

2025 Honorees
Tucker Emry
2025 Ambassador
“This is the best thing that’s ever happened to you – you just don’t know it yet,” was the message we received from a friend upon Tucker’s birth. We hadn’t expected him to be born with a little “something extra,” but if we were privy to even a short preview of his future, we would have known not to worry. He lives life to the fullest and it’s our privilege to be along for the ride.

Tucker Emry
2025 Ambassador
“This is the best thing that’s ever happened to you – you just don’t know it yet,” was the message we received from a friend upon Tucker’s birth. We hadn’t expected him to be born with a little “something extra,” but if we were privy to even a short preview of his future, we would have known not to worry. He lives life to the fullest and it’s our privilege to be along for the ride.
Tucker is the youngest of the three Emry boys, never ceasing to keep in steady step with his two older brothers. He is the heart of our family, and his bond with his siblings is unconditional love. Accompanying him on the many trips to therapists during his early years, they were a driving force in his speech, motor skill and social development. These days their interactions have advanced from imagination games and backyard badminton to advice about girls and whether or not to wear socks with his loafers.
Tucker’s world is full of all the activities of a typical teenager. He attends The Harbour School in Maryland, where he has forged lasting friendships and discovered his interests (economics and broadcasting classes are his favorites). Always up for a party, he leads the charge at Young Life youth group events and his school’s social club gatherings and dances. He participates in Special Olympics sports and works out with a trainer. He volunteers with children’s programs at our Church and has completed several community work experiences, most recently as an aide in a preschool classroom. A member of his school’s Performing Arts Academy, he has appeared as Puck in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and the White Rabbit in “Alice in Wonderland,” among other roles.
Every day, Tucker charms people with the twinkle in his eye and his unforgettable laugh. He is entirely himself and is determined to let his light shine. He talks about his upcoming “adult” life often, and his dreams for the future are clear – a college program, deepening friendships, meaningful employment, falling in love and contributing to the community. Tucker is proud to champion Global Down Syndrome Foundation’s work to ensure that his future is one of mental and physical health and productivity. GLOBAL’s groundbreaking efforts pave the way for Tucker, and others with that magical extra chromosome, to share their vibrancy with the world.
Congressman Robert Aderholt
2025 Quincy Jones Expectational Advocacy Awardee
In his 15th term representing Alabama’s fourth congressional district, Robert Aderholt is an advocate for fiscal responsibility, truth in budgeting and federal government operating within its means.
Robert Aderholt is a strong supporter of his community, district and the state of Alabama. He believes the federal government serves an essential role in assisting state and local governments with economic development.

Congressman Robert Aderholt
2025 Quincy Jones Expectational Advocacy Awardee
In his 15th term representing Alabama’s fourth congressional district, Robert Aderholt is an advocate for fiscal responsibility, truth in budgeting and federal government operating within its means.
Robert Aderholt is a strong supporter of his community, district and the state of Alabama. He believes the federal government serves an essential role in assisting state and local governments with economic development.
From his position on the powerful House Appropriations Committee, Rep. Aderholt supports job creation, strong immigration standards and robust national security. He is the Chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health & Human Services and Education, which is responsible for the largest non-defense portion of the entire federal budget. He is also a member of the Commerce, Justice and Science Subcommittee and the Defense Subcommittee.
Rep. Aderholt also chairs the Values Action Team, a Congressional Member Organization in the House of Representatives focused on promoting families, communities and religious freedoms.
Additionally, Rep. Aderholt is a member of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Commonly known as the Helenski Commission, the group was founded in 1976 and is comprised of 56 countries around the world working together to monitor human rights in Europe and Central Asia.
Rep. Aderholt is a member of the U.S. Congressional Down Syndrome Caucus and continues to support the disabled community through his efforts to sustain and prolong the viability of our Social Security system.
In January of 2023, Rep. Aderholt Cosponsored the Protecting Individuals with Down Syndrome Act, which would create legal protections for unborn children with Down syndrome.
Thank You to Our 2025 Supporters
Top Billboard – $7,000
David Egan dhe Familja
Natalie dhe Guy Harrison
Familja Whitten
Silver – $11,500
Fondacioni Anna & John J. Sie
Platinum – $25,000
The Emry Family
Pikat kryesore Gala të Pranueshmërisë 2024
Fotografitë e vitit 2024 – Hapi dhe përsërit
Fotot 2024 – Pikat kryesore të programit
Rreth Fondacionit Global të Sindromës Down
The Global Down Syndrome Foundation (GLOBAL) is the largest non-profit in the U.S. working to save lives and dramatically improve health outcomes for people with Down syndrome. GLOBAL has donated more than $32 million to establish the first Down syndrome research institute supporting over 400 scientists and over 2,700 patients with Down syndrome from 33 states and 10 countries. Working closely with Congress and the National Institutes of Health, GLOBAL is the lead advocacy organization in the U.S. for Down syndrome research and medical care. GLOBAL has a membership of over 110 Down syndrome organizations worldwide and is part of a network of Affiliates – the Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, the Sie Center for Down Syndrome, and the University of Colorado Alzheimer’s and Cognition Center – all on the Anschutz Medical Campus.
Publikimet mjekësore të përhapura gjerësisht të GLOBAL përfshijnë Udhëzimet GLOBAL të kujdesit mjekësor për të rriturit me sindromën Down, Testimi prenatal dhe informacioni rreth sindromës Down, dhe fitues i çmimeve Bota e Sindromës DownTM revistë. GLOBAL gjithashtu organizon Bëhu i Bukur Behu Vetë Show Fashion, mbledhja më e madhe e fondeve për sindromën Down në botë. Vizitoni dhe na ndiqni në mediat sociale (Facebook dhe Twitter: @GDSFoundation, Instagram: @globaldownsyndrome).
Duke u regjistruar, marrë pjesë ose duke parë në çdo kohë ngjarjen AcceptAbility Gala të Fondacionit Global Down Syndrome ("Fondacioni"), ose çdo riprodhim, punë të prejardhur ose përmbajtje të lidhur me to ("Ngjarja"), ju pranoni të jeni të detyruar nga termat e mëposhtëm. Ju pranoni që Ngjarja mund të përmbajë informacion ose përmbajtje me të drejtë autori, markë tregtare ose pronësi të mbrojtur nga prona intelektuale ose ligje të tjera. Ju pranoni të mos nxitni, mbani ose autorizoni asnjë veprim, pretendim ose padi kundër Fondacionit, ose ndonjë personi tjetër, me arsyetimin se Ngjarja shkel çdo të drejtë të pronësisë intelektuale ose ligje të lidhura me to. Fondacioni nuk jep asnjë garanci, miratim ose përfaqësim të shprehur ose të nënkuptuar në lidhje me ngjarjen ose përmbajtjen e saj. Ju pranoni që Fondacioni në asnjë rast nuk do të jetë përgjegjës për ndonjë dëmtim të drejtpërdrejtë, të tërthortë, të rastësishëm, pasues ose shembullor që rrjedh drejtpërdrejt ose tërthorazi nga ngjarja. Në këtë mënyrë ju i jepni shatërvanit të drejtën për të regjistruar, filmuar, transmetuar drejtpërdrejt, fotografuar ose kapur ngjashmërinë tuaj në çdo media në lidhje me ngjarjen dhe për të shpërndarë, transmetuar ose përdorur media të tilla pa ndonjë miratim ose kompensim të mëtejshëm nga ju. Ju pranoni të mos regjistroni, ritransmetoni, ripostoni, ritransmetoni ose riprodhoni Ngjarja, ndonjë nga përmbajtjet e tij, ose ndonjë pjesë të tij pa lejen e shprehur me shkrim të Fondacionit. Ndalohet rreptësisht çdo ndarje publike, rishpërndarje ose riprodhim i ngjarjes ose i ndonjë pjese të saj në çfarëdo forme pa lejen e shprehur me shkrim të Fondacionit. Fondacioni synon të ndjekë çdo dhe të gjitha mjetet juridike të disponueshme për të sipas ligjit ose barazisë në përgjigje të çdo shkeljeje të këtyre kushteve.
Natalie Farr Harrison
Sr. Vice President, Government Relations, Avoq
Guy Harrison
Partner, OnMessage
Jan Adams
Themeluesi dhe CEO, JMA Solutions
John Ashbrook
Partner themelues, Cavalry LLC
Kevin Brennan
Kryesor, Strategjitë Bluebird
Emilie E Eger
Director of Business Development, Julie Parker Communications
David Egan
Author, Advocate & Speaker
Felicia Emry, Esq.
Life Skills Program Coordinator and Client Care Liaison, Heaven on Earth NOW
Erin Book Mullen
Principal, Williams & Jensen, PLLC
Matthew Perin
Shefi i Marrëdhënieve me Qeverinë dhe Çështjeve Rregullative, Kroger
Cliff Riccio
Sr. Vice President & Chief, Government Relations, NCTA
Julie Riccio
Drejtor i Çështjeve Rregullative dhe Politikave Publike, PwC
Frank Stephens
Author, Actor & Advocate
Richard Waysdorf
Legal Consultant, Global Down Syndrome Foundation
Amy Best Weiss
Executive Vice President, Global Government Affairs, American Express
Michelle Sie Whitten
President & CEO, Global Down Syndrome Foundation

Barnhart Press
Georgetown Cupcakes
Harris Teeter
The Indigo Road Hospitality Group
Familja Whitten

Kontakti i shtypit:
Shawn Flaherty
Cel: 703-554-3609
Anca Elena Call
Cel: 720-320-3832
Join Headliners Phillip Phillips & Tucker Emry at GLOBAL’S AcceptAbility Gala in DC!
Këngëtarja Jordin Sparks performon dhe Rep. Frankel dhe Rep. Hudson nderohen në Gala-në AcceptAbility të Fondacionit Global Down më 9 maj në DC
Legjislacioni i rëndësishëm i NIH INCLUDE që synon rritjen e jetëgjatësisë dhe përmirësimin dramatik të rezultateve shëndetësore për njerëzit me sindromën Down, i prezantuar nga kampionja GLOBAL, kongresmenja Cathy McMorris Rodgers
GLOBAL duartroket Kongresin për $15 milion rritje për NIH Sindromën Down/Përfshi Iniciativën Kërkimore në Projektligjin e Shpenzimeve Omnibus të Vitit Fiskal 2023 të miratuar së fundmi
Shikoni Dëshminë e Kongresit të Frank Stephens