Global Breaking News!


An NIH Increase in Down Syndrome Research Funding is included in the Omnibus Budget

Please Write your Representatives and/or Senators today!


Click here to open a Draft Letter you can send.

Global deeply appreciates the House and Senate, and our President for passing the #Omnibus budget! The budget includes $3 billion in new money for the National Institutes of Health, including a big boost to Down syndrome research which has been underfunded for nearly *20* years.  Global is thrilled to know our hard-work to educate our government to equitably invest in research that benefits people with Down syndrome culminated in today’s landmark budget!

A *huge* thank you to our bipartisan leaders — Tom Cole (R-OK), Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), Roy Blunt (R-MO), Patty Murray (D-WA), Cathy McMorris Roders (R-WA), Cheri Bustos (D-IL), Pete Sessions (R-TX), Mike Coffman (R-CO), and SO many more!

PLEASE HELP US THANK YOUR LEGISLATORS for making people with Down syndrome a priority! Your thank you will ensure that we continue to receive equitable funding today and in future years.

Help us ensure funding today by writing a simple thank you!  It only takes 2 minutes

Below are links to find the contact information for your congressional representatives and senators! It helps if you cc: or forward the letter to

Representatives: Click here and put in your zip code to find your Representative. 

Senators: Click here to look up your Senators by their names or your state. Click on the contact link that appears by their name in the search results.

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper celebrates World Down Syndrome Day with Global, self-advocates, family and friends by signing Senate Bill 96- that eliminates terms like “mental retardation”, and “mentally retarded” in Colorado statute and replaces them with more appropriate language, like “intellectual and developmental disability.”