2019 Trisomy 21 Research Society Conference in Barcelona, Spain

(L-R) Megan Bomgaars, Dr. Diana Bianchi, Michelle Sie Whitten



Through a series of short presentations and Q&A, this session will address important issues for self-advocates, family members, and Down syndrome organizations regarding three areas that are intricately related – advocacy, awareness & fundraising for Down syndrome research. This year Global will be hosting a full morning program featuring 5 expert speakers (including Megan Bomgaars from the Emmy Award-winning series Born This Way), and cover the following topics: The Importance of Down syndrome Research & How Down Syndrome Organizations and Families Can Advocate for Government Funding, Self-Advocates with Down Syndrome Make it Happen!, Scientists with Family Members with Down Syndrome – Things to Consider Before Participating in Research and Engaging the Press, Self-Advocates & Celebrities to Raise Awareness & Funds.


Speakers & Presentations

Michelle Sie Whitten, MA

President & CEO, Global Down Syndrome Foundation
Executive Director, Anna and John J. Sie Foundation
Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome Board of Directors
T21RS Chair of Morning Session

The Importance of DS Research & How DS Organizations and Families Can Advocate for Government Funding

La importancia de investigacion medica para SD y como organizaciones se SD pueden abogar para mas financiacion gubernamental

Megan Bomgaars

Emmy-award winning Actor, Global Spokesperson, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, Self-Advocate

Self-Advocates with Down Syndrome Make it Happen!

Keith Smith

Crnic Institute Human Trisome Project Program Manager

Katherine Waugh

Crnic Institute Postdoctoral Fellow
Down Syndrome World magazine science contributor

Scientists with Family Members with Down Syndrome – Things to Consider Before Participating in Research

Consideración en la participación en la investigación clínica

Manuel Velázquez

Vice president of the 2019 T21RS Direction Committee (Board of Directors)
2nd Vice President of DOWN ESPAÑA

Engaging the Press, Self-Advocates & Celebrities to Raise Awareness & Funds

Interactuar con los medios, la prensa, auto-defensores, y estrellas para hacer crecer la conciencia social y recaudar fondos


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