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Family-Friendly GLOBAL Adult Guideline – Print Request Form

GLOBAL Family-Friendly Guideline

GLOBAL Adult Guideline Family-Friendly - Print Request Form

GLOBAL Adult Guideline Family-Friendly - Print Request Form

The Global Down Syndrome Foundation is proud to offer print copies of the Family-Friendly GLOBAL Adult Guideline at no cost to our community! Please fill out the form below to request your copies. Requests will be shipped in 10-14 business days.

For as little as $20 a year you can become an honored GLOBAL Member supporting our important work and receiving our award-winning Down Syndrome WorldTM magazine in addition to cutting edge Down syndrome research and medical care webinars. Become a GLOBAL Member Today or learn more.


*100 copies for medical centers, clinics, Down syndrome organizations, or other advocacy groups only please.


*100 copies for medical centers, clinics, Down syndrome organizations, or other advocacy groups only please.

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Person with Down Syndrome's Name
Person with Down Syndrome's Name
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