Martin Luther King Day

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I have the privilege of working with people with Down syndrome and children and adults who are differently-abled. In our work to improve funding, research, medical care, education and understanding, it is very clear to me that our work is deeply rooted in the ideals of human and civil rights. If society or individuals do not see our children, our people, as human, what can we achieve?  If people who are differently-abled are not seen as equals worthy of rights and participation, what can we achieve?

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr Day, I would like to remember his work, his beliefs, and his words that even today apply to our community of the differently-abled and their families.

We have taken poetic license with his quotes to highlight our population. Please join us in our first VIRTUAL MARCH advocating human and civil rights for people who are differently-abled by choosing your favorite Martin Luther King Jr. quote (for your picket sign 🙂 ) and letting us know why that quote resonates with your own personal story.

Please know, we WILL be heard. And change, just like all those years ago, from Atlanta to Mississippi to Washington DC is in the air.
Sincerely and with much appreciation,
Michelle Sie Whitten, Executive Director, Global Down Syndrome Foundation

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