UK’s National Health Service Denies Fundamental Medical Care to Girl with Down Syndrome

Global is outraged!

Macy Lace, a nine-year-old girl with Down syndrome who is immobile, has been denied a walking frame from the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. This denial left Macy unable to do physiotherapy for 18 months after intensive hip surgery, which her mother says reverses any progress she had been making to walk.

Macy was able to obtain a walking frame a local education service, but it can only be used during school hours. Her doctors say that if she uses her walking frame at home and at school, she can quickly develop the strength to walk.

Global Down Syndrome Foundation works hard every day to ensure Down syndrome research gets its share of funding for our children and adults to receive proper medical care. Discrimination against one person with Down syndrome is discrimination against all people with Down syndrome.

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