David S. Smith, MD
Family practice physician
Director, Down Syndrome Clinic of Wisconsin at Children’s Hospital in Milwaukee
Dr. David S. Smith is a family practice physician who has developed a special interest in the care of people with Down syndrome. He has been director of the Down Syndrome Clinic of Wisconsin at Children’s Hospital in Milwaukee since it was founded in 1996. The clinic serves approximately equal numbers of children and adults.
He has been involved with the Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group, DSMIG, since near its beginning in 1988. DSMIG – USA is a national and international group dedicated to the care of people with Down syndrome and their families. He has spoken to local and national groups of parents and professionals and wrote “Health Care Management of Adults with Down Syndrome” in 2001. He also has taught medical students and resident physicians about caring for people with Down syndrome.
In addition he is the father of 5 children, one of whom was born with Down syndrome in 1985.