Missouri Down Syndrome Medical Care Centers

There are currently 3 Down syndrome medical care centers in Missouri:

Albert Pujols Wellness Center for Adults with Down Syndrome, Chesterfield, MO

Affiliation: St. Luke’s Hospital
Summary: The Albert Pujols Wellness Center for Adults with Down Syndrome is the first of its kind in the St. Louis area and helps fill a growing need for wellness services for adults with Down syndrome. Clients 17 years and older access the Wellness Center by making an initial intake appointment. During the initial visit the client will meet with a physician for a comprehensive physical, meet with the social worker for a complete psychosocial assessment and Alzheimer/Dementia screening, if appropriate, and have a one-on-one nutrition evaluation completed by a registered dietitian. Clients can then, if appropriate, participate in a variety of programs and classes offered at the Wellness Center. All programs offered at the Wellness Center are based on the “INSPIRE” principle: Instruction, Nutrition, Safety, Peers, Interpersonal Relations and Exercise.
Ages Served: Ages 17+
Hours and Days of Operation: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Address: 121 St. Luke’s Center Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017
Website: stlukes-stl.com/services/wellness-center/index.html
Email: ADS.WellnessCenter@stlukes-stl.com
Appointments: 314-576-2300
Phone Number: 314-576-2300
Clinical Director: Dr. Cynthia Poelker, MD
Services provided:
Behavioral MD
Registered Dietician
Physical Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Family Practitioner
Apraxia Specialist
Speech and Language Pathologist
Social Worker
Education/Inclusion Specialist
Nurse Practitioner
Genetic Counselor
Clinical Care Coordinator
Year Established: 2009
Patients with Down Syndrome Seen Annually: 325+
Length of Waitlist: 3 months
Medicaid Accepted? Yes
Insurance Accepted? Yes, most types of commercial

Children’s Mercy Down Syndrome Clinic, Kansas City, MO

Affiliation: Children’s Mercy Hospital
Summary: The mission of this multidisciplinary clinic is to improve the quality of life of individuals with Down syndrome by providing a coordinated medical program that addresses the needs of children with Down syndrome as well as offers support and education to their families. The clinic staff, led by Medical Director, Nasreen Talib, MD, MPH, includes experienced professionals from several specialties, including pediatrics, behavioral psychology, audiology, genetic counseling, nutrition, occupational therapy, speech therapy and social work. Families also benefit from the knowledge and experience of our Advocate adult with Down syndrome, who is a member of the clinic staff. Our team works together to collaboratively review the unique needs of each child and improve their quality of life through comprehensive, whole-person care.
Ages Served: Birth – Age 18
Hours and Days of Operation: All appointments start at 8:00am and last for 4 hours, clinic in Kansas City is held every Wednesday and clinic in Overland Park, KS is held every Friday.
Address: 2401 Gillham Road, Kansas City, MO 64108
Website: https://www.childrensmercy.org/departments-and-clinics/down-syndrome-program/
Email: downsyndromeclinic@cmh.edu
Phone Number: 816-960-2856
Clinical Director: Nasreen Talib, MD, MPH
Services provided:
Adolescent Medicine Physician
Behavioral MD
Physical Therapist
Occupational Therapist
 Feeding Therapist

Internal Medicine/Pediatrics physician
Family Practitioner
Apraxia Specialist
Speech and Language Pathologist
Social Worker

Education/Inclusion Specialist
Nurse Practitioner
Genetic Counselor
Clinical Care Coordinator
Year Established: 1989
Patients with Down Syndrome Seen Annually: 400+
Length of Waitlist: N/A
Insurance Accepted? Please visit here for accepted insurance

Down Syndrome Center St. Louis Children’s Hospital, St. Louis, MO

Affiliation: Washington University and St. Louis Children’s Hospital
Summary: The objective of the Down Syndrome Center at SLCH is to optimize the quality of life for children with Down syndrome and their families by offering comprehensive individualized care in one setting
Ages Served: Birth – Age 18
Hours and Days of Operation: Tuesday 8-12, Wednesday 8-12, Friday 8-12
Address: St Louis Children’s Hospital
1 Children’s Place, Suite 2C, St. Louis, MO 63110
St. Louis Children’s Specialty Care Center
13001 North Outer 40, Suite 2E, Town and Country, MO 63017
Website: www.stlouischildrens.org/our-services/down-syndrome-center
Email: lizhall@wustl.edu
Appointments: (314) 747-4088
Phone Number: (314) 454-2692
Clinical Director: Dorothy Grange, MD
Services provided:
Behavioral MD
Apraxia Specialist
Physical Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Social Worker
Speech and Language Pathologist
Registered Dietician
Feeding Specialist
Nurse Practitioner
Genetic Counselor
Pediatric Geneticist
Other Services Provided: Cardiology, ophthalmology, ENT, audiology
Patients with Down Syndrome Seen Annually: 500
Length of Waitlist: No waitlist
Medicaid Accepted? Yes
Insurance Accepted? Yes

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